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Position:Home>History> Were the mexican americans discrimanated back in the 1900s?

Question: Were the mexican americans discrimanated back in the 1900s!?
I know, blacks were segregated from the whites, but what happened to the mexican americans!? Mexican americans started imigrating from Mexico, but what I'm wondering is, when the mexican americans were in parts of America, were the blacks and whites cruel to them!? what was going on!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What part of the 1900's!? It really depends!. In the early 20th century it was mostly wealthy Mexicans coming!. They didn't experience much discrimination!. Later, as the poorer classes came, they were more heavily discriminated against!. I am not sure by who mostly though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Back in the 1900's" is not clear!.
Assuming you mean the early part of the Century - most of them were here before the White man!.
It wasn't until the past 30 years or so that there's been a major problem - and it's gotten MUCH worse since NAFTA!.
The Blacks, Whites and Mexicans have been cruel to one another for all time for no reason!.
They've also been friends!.
You really have to be more specific!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it doesn't take a genious to see that mexican towns are totally self segregated from white towns in california!. You can drive 10 minutes and be in different worlds!.Www@QuestionHome@Com