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Position:Home>History> Ancient Greece help? clothing?

Question: Ancient Greece help!? clothing!?
I am doing a project for school and I need to know how to make Ancient Greece Chitons!. I don't want them to be too complicated, but not so whoever is wearing them is nearly naked!. Does anyone know any good sites or have directions on how to make them!? If you do, please tell me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I found these instructions(the last site listed) and the sites listed below!.!.!.!.good luck!

Make a Greek Chiton
It's made by folding a single piece of material in a certain way!. You don't cut it - you just fold it! That means, you can use a single bed sheet to make one!.

Use a single bed sheet

Fold it over, until it's about the length from your shoulders to your knees

Then fold it in half

Use two safety pins to hold it at the shoulders

Drop it over your head (with your head sticking out the hole between the two safety pins)

Tie a rope around the waist!. Change the length by clousing it out at the waist (pulling it up a bit so it drops over the rope belt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com