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Position:Home>History> Can somebody please tell me when Nero Ceaser ruled?

Question: Can somebody please tell me when Nero Ceaser ruled!?
I'm not interested in the biblical theories and conspiracies, I just want to know when he was alive, when he ruled, and when he died!. I've tried searching Yahoo! and Google, and all the comes up are the theories, no history!. Just links are fine, so long as it's not spam!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Nero was born in A!. D!. 37, succeeded his great-uncle and stepfather, Claudius, in 54 and committed suicide in 68!. The Great Fire of Rome, incidentally, happened in 64!. (The dates given in the first answer are those of Nero's great-great-uncle Tiberius, whose full name was also Tiberius Claudius Nero!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try Wikipedia, or on line encyclopedia like Websters!.
There is not a biblical concept here just his history as a terrible dictator that loved to "fiddle around"!.<lol>Www@QuestionHome@Com

November 16, 42 BC – March 16, AD 37Www@QuestionHome@Com