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Position:Home>History> Why did the Japanese put wood on there torpedoes at the attack of Pearl Harbor?

Question: Why did the Japanese put wood on there torpedoes at the attack of Pearl Harbor!?
any one knows how they put it on and where they put the wood and how would it maake it better!?!? thanks!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Because the depth of water there was too shallow for the torpedo as such!. By using wood, around the tail of the weapon, leaving the propellor clear, the torpedo 'evened out' much quicker and navigated the shallow water to their targets!. Very clever and very deadly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'll doublecheck after I post, but I thought they made wooden fins for the torpedo tail, to make them run straighter after being dropped into the water by plane!.

** edit **

I was close!. They were wooden fins to compensate for the shallow depth of the harbor!. Normal aerial torpedos went to nearly 100 feet, while Pearl was around 45 feet in general!.


To skim the surface of the shallow pearl harborWww@QuestionHome@Com