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Position:Home>History> I have questions about ancient Rome?

Question: I have questions about ancient Rome!?
1) Which of these areas are warm in the winter or it rains in the winter!?

Las Medulas, Galatia, Lusitania, Hispania, Raetia, Pannonia, and Judea

2) Where was each of the Roman emperors in the Julio Claudian dynasty born at!?

Augustus - Nero

3) What did Rome supply other nations/provinces with!?

4) What is the name of the currency in Rome called!?

Thanks in advanced!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Drachma was the currency!. I dont know the rest!.

Rome could of supplied defense to other nations!?!?!? Im not sure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com