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Position:Home>History> If you were a political cartoonist during the Gilded Age?

Question: If you were a political cartoonist during the Gilded Age!?
If you were a political cartoonist during the Gilded Age, like Thomas Nast, would you have attacked the corruption of the period, knowing that one of the political leaders or robbers barons you depicted in your cartoons may work to get you fired!? Explain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes - - - - people especially in Modern America circa 2008 may not know this but during the Gilded Age there were Newspapers on both sides of the Political Pendulum!.!.!.
Thomas Nast was employed by a powerful publisher and since Nast's cartoons helped to sell those paper and since the paper's circulation was pumped up by 'exposing' corrupt politicians and their anticsm, Nast stayed employed!. As long as one has an appreciative audience one stays employed much of that depends upon the cartoonist!. Do note that Nast mostly picked on Democrats he only went after Republicans who had fallen out of favor!. A smart artists learns to curry favor and forge allies!. One reason why Orson Welles failed with Citizen Kane was that not only did he anger Hearst but he failed to enlist a rival to his cause!!! Therefore when waging war line up allies as did Nast who had a long list of steadfast 'indignant' political leaders & robbern barons who were happy he was not attacking them!!

yes because someone had to expose the corruption for what it wasWww@QuestionHome@Com