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Position:Home>History> Have you noticed that people always whine & moan about a president during the la

Question: Have you noticed that people always whine & moan about a president during the last year or two of his term!?
I noticed this from every president I can remember who did not get shot!. Getting shot prevents them from being moaned about!.

Why do people alway blame the president for everything that is not perfect!? What a thankless job!. I happen to think Bush has been our greatest president!. He is the only one who gave money back to people, and he completely protected the US from terrorists after 911!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have noticed that, and the reason is purely political!. Whichever party is not in power at the time wants to make the current president look as bad as possible in the attempt to get their party's nominee elected!. It's not a coincidence that this happens during the last two years, that's when the campaigning is going on!. Of course the democrats are going to pick apart every single thing President Bush does, and have for the last two years, they want people to think things are so bad that we need a democrat in the White House in hopes to get Hillary or Obama elected!.

They also have this sneaky tactic of saying "The Bush Administration" did this, "The Bush Administration" did that, (you see this both from the candidates and from the liberal media, and let's face it, most media is the liberal media) when it was actually the DEMOCRATICALLY CONTROLLED HOUSE AND SENATE that did those things!. Anyone who took a 9th grade government class knows the President doesn't have that kind of unilateral power, it's just propaganda in hopes that people won't realize the President couldn't be solely responsible for pretty much everything that happens in our government, and unfortunately it usually works!. Did the President singlehandedly decide to go to war!? Of course not!. It was voted on, and voted for by enough democrats to pass!. But they want a democrat in power so they'll gloss over that fact and will do and say pretty much anything to get a Democrat elected!.

EDIT: Haha, I love it when people bring Bush's approval rating into things!. What they don't mention is that the approval rating of Congress, which is currently controlled by the Democrats, is even LOWER!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think people complain only during the last year or two of a presidency!. And, especially with Bush, people have been complaining about him throughout his Presidency!. 77% of the American people do not agree with the war in Iraq and most Americans do not appreciate being lied to by their President!. Remember, Congress will impeach a President for being a liar!.

Americans support the military and the men and women who serve!. They just don't want to see their lives wasted or put at unnecessary risk!. With Halliburton serving spoiled food and bad water to our soldiers and AT&T ripping off our military men and women with their cell phone monopoly in Iraq, we know the big companies who are profiteering off this war!. And we know the politicians who support it!.

A new day is coming!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can remember Presidents going as far back as Johnson!. People whinned about the President and complained about the country going in the wrong direction through all of them!. Even when jobs were aplenty and we were not fighting wars anywhere!. Nothing has changed!. Politics is politics!.
I have lived through
"We are all going to die because the presidents going to start a nuclear war"
"Polution is going to cause a new Ice-age (global cooling)
"Aids is going to kill us and the president is doing nothing about it!" Blah, blah, blah!.
Yet we are still alive and the US is still the richest, strongest economy in the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes! What do you think Gore would have done during 911!? He would not have done near the job that Bush has done!. I think he has led our country in the right direction (even though I don't agree with everything he's done)!. Presidents can not change the country and many people expect them too!. They actually have much less power than most people think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I beg to differ, I warned my co-workers in October of 2000, my exact words were " you watch, George W!. Bush will go down in history as the worst U!.S!. President ever, and I predict that gasoline prices will be $3!.00 per gallon by then!."

I was wrong about the gas, it will be $4!.00 per gallon by then!.
( When G!.W!. Bush took office, gas was $1!.70 per gallon)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I did not agree with our current president during most of his administration!.!.!.and I did not support or vote for him during his elections!. However, he is the President and the office alone commands our respect!. I couldn't hardly get out of bed after 9/11!.!.!.let alone run a country!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, and I tend to agree with you, and am pretty conservative politically!.!.!.!.but don't look for much support here on YA!. I'll give your question (and my answer) about 1 hour max, before we get deleted!.
Edit: An hour later!.!.this is still here!.!.!.whod'a thought!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

In "Illiterate Digest," Will Rogers pointed it out, and that was in 1924!.
"The more you read and observe about this Politics thing, you got to admit that each party is worse than the other!. The one that's out always looks best!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love the ones that are still screaming for an impeachment!. I guess 8 more months of GWB will be more than they can bear!.
I thought the Democrat controlled Congress was going to do something about gas prices!? Duh!.!.!.!.!.I guess they did!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

who cares!? I'm horny as hell and these drinks aren't gunna buy themselves! I'll vote for Lassie as long as you escort me home tonite! By the way!.!.!.I never wanted Mr!. W or his old man in the white house!.!.!.now, about this empty glass!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

amen! you, Crunchy, A girl named!.!.!., Jilibean and Byron said it all!!! i always said if 911 happened under Gore's term, he'd insist we all join hands and sing Kumbuyaya!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wish W could be elected a third term!. Truly a man among men!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com