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Position:Home>History> Did u like the united socialist soviet republic (USSR)?

Question: Did u like the united socialist soviet republic (USSR)!?
i dont like their atheism being christian but i find them an empire to that of alexander the great!. they were the ones who forced hitler to kill himself when the red army soldiers busted through the steets of berlin to destroy an evil being that was satan himself!.the whole continent of europe was counting on them to destroy an empire!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
USSR was much more fair for average citizens, than the current one!. people had jobs, cars(ladas, mosqwitzes, Tsaikas, UAZ etc!.) homes and all worked in society!. People were proud of their nation, space programs, hockey teams, red army choir, art, culture !. No crimes on streets, extremely safe for everybody, including for tourists!.

Take a goood look what`s left after two national criminals called mr gorbatzow and mr Yeltsin;

crime, powerty, few rich mafia dudes, mc donalds bars, hitmen driving ferraris, average university teacher earns 300 euros a month and has to wash car windshields on streets to pay rents or sell some sex services, Hiv spreads, polices can be bought!.!.!.

mr Putin has done whats left to do to repair the situation, but it will never be as good it was before 1991!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics - Союз Советских Социалистических Республик!. They were not officially atheist, only Albania under Enver Hoxa has proclaimed atheism as a state 'religion'!. Yes, they did do many appalling things, but Stalin also turned a thrid world country into a Nazi beating super-power in less than thirty years!. And health care, education, pensions and housing were available for all!. So, to answer your question, no, I don't like all of the things they did, but there are some great achievements in among the terrible things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that when Alexander the Great expanded his empire, he improved the countries he invaded!. But when the USSR expanded their empire, they made the countries they invaded much, much worse!. And although they did help to defeat Hitler, they were actually even worse than Hitler!. It might've been better if Hitler had beaten them!. Stalin killed way, way more people than Hitler did!. also, even if they hadn't helped to beat Hitler, I suspect that the rest of the allies could've beaten Hitler themselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They did one good thing!.!.!.!.but it was a terrible, terrible empire!. Millions died in the brutal gulags, the purges, the deliberate starving of the Ukraine to break their nationalist streak!. The list of atrocities committed in the name of "communism" are far to long to list here!.

I'm a big fan of the USA and the whole "new world order", but if I speak out about the evils of the USA, no one drags me off to a mental institution or "re education camp"!. I know which system is better (if only slightly) and I don't mourn the end of the USSR!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

While some of the goals of the USSR were good: helping the poor, providing free medical care for all, developing their natural resources, working together for the common good--the reality was far different!. They became a dictatorship, with rulers such as Stalin every bit as evil as Hitler, and responsible for millions of deaths!. In the end, the USSR fell because it became economically incapable of competing against free-enterprise nations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stalin also slaughtered 20 million Russians!. He killed a massive amount of Ukrainians, Poles, and other members of Eastern European nations!. The USSR put foreign peoples under political oppression!. Dissidents were sent to gulags!. Stalin was just as bad, if not worse than Hitler and on the other side of the Iron Curtain, life for the citizens of the eastern European nations would not at all improve!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I didn't like the part how they try to be a communist but fail since Karl Marx's idea is only a dream!. They way they solve that problem to to kill over 20 million people!.
During WW2, Churchill and FDR know Stalin was a ruthless killing genocidal bastard but he was our ruthless killing genocidal bastard!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I don't really care that much for what communism did for people!.!.!. but the USSR was great for some movie watching!.

also, I like the "Style" of their classical music!.!.!. I wish we had some composers like that around, still!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's Union of, not united!. You need to do more research on the subject before you make such inaccurate statements!.


no most people did not thats why its not there anymoreWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know enough about them to say!.Www@QuestionHome@Com