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Position:Home>History> Interesting WWII events?

Question: Interesting WWII events!?
hi!. im doing a powerpoint project on WWII and i need some interesting and influential events that happened in that time period!.

Example: when Jessie Owens won gold medals at the Olympics and Hitler left!.

or maybe some interesting footage!? links!? anything!?!?!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
So you know and don't get off track (no pun intended) Owens won his Gold Medals in the '36 Berlin Olympics before the War!. Yeah, Hitler left and refused to give him his medals - although he did to all other winners!.
On a side note - I don't remember the guy's name - but the German who was supposed to beat Owens wound up in the Army and was killed in the War!. That might be an interesting little side note you could throw in!. In '36 he's in the Olympics and by '45 he's dead!. Hitler was really p!.o!.'d at him 'cause he shook Owens' hand and wished him luck, etc!. - as a good sportsman!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well i don't know if this helps but i can give you a rundown of why the war started and all that:
1!.Hitler wanted land, because the German's lost alot of it after WWI!.
2!.He started doing things he wasn't allowed to, like rebuilding his army, trying to take over the Rhineland in between France and Germany, he wanted to take over the Sudetenland in Czeckloslavakia, the Brittish and the French didn't want to start another war, so they let him take it thinking he would stop asfter it all!.
3!.Hitler invades poland
4!.Sept!.3 1939 Brittish and French had enough, declare war on germany!.
5!.Hitler sign Nazi-Soviet non agression pact with Stalin saying that they would take over and divide poland!.
6!.Hitler screws over stalin and attacks Russia/USSR
7!. Long story short D-Day happens, American,Brittish,French, and Russian soldiers start closing in on Hitler in Berlin, he kills himself Germany surrenders war is over, 1945!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The NAZI German diplomat for China (I think or was it Japan) helped save thousand during the Rape of Nanking by not letting the Japanese into his embassy but Chinese refuges!.Www@QuestionHome@Com