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Position:Home>History> Who did they discover that marijuana was smokable?

Question: Who did they discover that marijuana was smokable!?
I mean who was the first civilazation or person that said " ay this plant looks smokable i going to smoke it" and never let it go after that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Native Americans smoked it for many many years!. It is beleived that they discovered how to smoke plants after inhaling some smoke from a fire of buring plants!. They then experimented with all different types of smoke!. My mother in law in Navajo, and she has told me that all the time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

been going on so long no one could answer that question!. If you were walking in the woods and smoked a little!.!.!. (hey, just about everything on the planet has been tried in the thousands of years man walked here) wouldn't you tell your friends :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

it grows wild many places! native americans used to put it in pipes!Www@QuestionHome@Com