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Position:Home>History> Compare the last Czar, Nicholas, to some of the other former Czars of Russia.?

Question: Compare the last Czar, Nicholas, to some of the other former Czars of Russia!.!?
why were they so different!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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I think personality wise, Nicholas wasnt that much different from other Russian tsars!. Nicholas may have had the same character as tsars as Alexis, Feodor III, Ivan V, Alexander 1 and Alexander II!. While Nicholas was gentle and kind, he lacked the leadership abilities to inspire, change, persevere, adapt to the challenges of his reign!.

Nicholas never had the qualities to be a great tsar- he never had the confidence, strength of character or determination of Peter the Great or Catherine the Great!. Nicholas also lacked the strength of his own father, Alexander III!.

In all fairness to Nicholas, none of Russia's tsars ever faced immense social, political, economic and cultural changes that Russia underwent during Nicholas II's reign!.

Russia under Nicholas II went thru an almost overnight industrialisation and modernisation!. Alexander II's reforms had unleashed millions of serfs who left their bondage on the farms to look for work in the large industrial areas!. Workers in factories demanded rights and trade unions!.

Nicholas tried to keep the autocracy together by using the same brutal methods that his predecessors used to keep Russia together and to maintain their rule!. But for Nicholas, the situation had changed - what was needed was good leadership and acceptance that Russia was changing!. This was Nicholas biggest failure - to accept change!.

Nicholas could not use the same force or violence that Peter the Great, Catherine the Great and even his own father Alexander III could apply to keep russia together!. Russia was changing at a faster pace than the Autocracy could keep up with!. It wasnt just Nicholas - it was an institutional, government change that was needed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nicholas was very different to many other Tsars!. He was weak, stupid, vain and presided over a very divided country on the verge of open revolt!. Compared to say Alexander III who was dedicated, hard-working, intelligent, driven and had a desire to improve the Russian people's lot Nicholas was a poor leader!. You could compare him even more unfavourable with Peter the Great; a focussed, larger than life (literally - he was 6'7", and metaphorically) Tsar who founded St Petersburg!.
Look at the following wikipedia entries:
By the way - the accepted acadenic transliteration is now Tsar, not Czar - Ц is Ts not CzWww@QuestionHome@Com

Russia was going through tough times financially when Tsar Nicholas was in power!. Thats how the communists got a large enough group to over throw the government and make them pull out of world war one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nicolas was an autocrat, meaning he didnt share power and he used brute force!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He was deposed while most of the others were not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com