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Position:Home>History> What military tactics were used in the Battle of Antietam ( Civil War)?

Question: What military tactics were used in the Battle of Antietam ( Civil War)!?
What military tactics were used in the Battle of Antietam ( Civil War)!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The tactics used at Antietam were similar to those used through a large portion of the civil war!. the attacking army would march towards the position of the defending army (usually under cannon fire) and when they got close enough the defending army would use grape shot against them!. If enough attackers were left and they had held the line they would fire volleys into each other and if the attack was going well they would fix bayonets and charge!. Eventually someone would run away or be wiped out!. It was very bloody and the tactics were more suitable for times when fire arms were not as powerful as they had become!. The tactics were out dated and it cost 10's of thousands to 100's of thousands their lives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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