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Position:Home>History> Anyone noticed the similarity between Hitler's "Aryans" and Viking

Question: Anyone noticed the similarity between Hitler's "Aryans" and Viking barbarians!?
*Both are tall, fair skinned
*Both have extremely violent and savage societies
*Both get wiped out by societies and cultures who are far more civilized than themselves
*Both favor martial strength and ability over intellect
*Both have distinct hatred for "outsiders"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Nazis used the 'romantic' imagery of Viking (Norse) mythology!.

However viking is a term used by Norse people for raiders!. The vikings were not a society themselves but rather a sub sect of the Norse culture of Scandinavia!. Just in the same way England had Knights, and while Knights are no longer the military protectors of England, England still exists!. In the same way Vikings were warriors of their society not a separate group, and their societies still exist!.

also by their code of Honor it was better to steal from a stranger than let their own people starve!. This is one of the causes for their raids!. This is not the same as hatred for outsiders!. Rather they felt their main duty is to those related by blood or marriage, not to people in general!.

Here is a link if you are interested in Vikings

yea your right, they do have similarities!. also add in the anceitn chinese because they hated outsiders!.

but the viking never died out, they settled in northern europe!. but yea you are right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hitlers Aryans were based on the Vikings, while real Aryans were not!. Vikings were never wiped out!. They are modern day finland, greenland, Iceland, Denmark, and Sweeden!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

