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Position:Home>History> I need desperate help with this ancient history assignemnt, "WHAT WAS THE R

Question: I need desperate help with this ancient history assignemnt, "WHAT WAS THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN THE BRONZE AGE"
this questions hasta be in a 1000 word essay PLEASE HELP!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The most famous woman of the Bronze Age is without doubt Helen of Troy!.

Bronze Age Women
Not too much is known about the role of women in the bronze Age, but it does look
like they had more freedom than the women of Classical Athens, !.!.!.
http://www!.ancientsites!.com/aw/Thread/12!.!.!. - Cached

Women in the Aegean: Minoan Snake Goddess: Excursus!. Matriliny in !.!.!.
It is clear that between the end of the Bronze Age and the emergence of Classical
Greece the role of women in Eastern Mediterranean cultures changed !.!.!.
http://witcombe!.sbc!.edu/snakegoddess/aeg!.!.!. - Cached

Danish Bronze Age dresses
On the right picture the Danish archaeologist S!. Nancke Krogh and some women have
reconstructed the dressing that have been found in seven Danish Bronze Age !.!.!.

Bronze Age England and Wales, the Beaker People
The Bronze Age in Britain Daily life, religion, and the beginnings of stone circles
!.!.!. laid with the head to the south, men facing east, women facing west!. !.!.!.
http://www!.britainexpress!.com/History/Br!.!.!. - Cached

Prehistoric England
The Bronze Age people also rode horses and they were the first people in England
to weave cloth!. Bronze age women held their hair with bone pins and they !.!.!.
http://www!.localhistories!.org/prehisteng!.!.!. - Cached

BBC NEWS | UK | England | Cambridgeshire | Bronze Age site is !.!.!.
Jan 17, 2008 !.!.!. Evidence of a Bronze Age settlement in Cambridge is revealed by archaeologists
!.!.!. Meeting the women shunning kitchen ware for stun guns !.!.!.

The main feature of the Bronze Age was war!. The Technology of Bronze Age war was highly sophisticated and advanced!.


Stonehenge here in Britain is the very height of Bronze Age technology and building skills!. Britain had (still has) lots of Tin and Copper - an alloy of these = bronze!.

High quality bronze was being produced in Britain!. !. !. !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is called a derivative question!. Look at "Bronze Age" on Wikipedia (but don't copy anything from it!)!. See what was going on and think about what women might have been doing!. There was Egypt, Mediterranean trade during the period ~ 3300 to 1300 BC (Bronze age)!. So there was still some agriculture and metal working (hence bronze)!. Except for agriculture, there was not a lot for women except to keep the families!. Royal families would have shared rule of empires, and rich women would have had lives of leisure, but regular folks would have been fairly oppressed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's about the stupidest assignment ever!.!.!.!. Women tended to be mothers and cooks!. They stayed at home with the kids while the bloke went off and chased something, often being responsible for the safety of the flocks of howling kids since wild animals were prone to fancy a nibble!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To have babies and do the ironing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com