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Position:Home>History> Why the United States and other distant powers consider the Middle East to impor

Question: Why the United States and other distant powers consider the Middle East to imporant!?
oil reserve, energy reserves, military systems, and terrorists!?

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Oil - and that's the only reason!. I often wonder in the Middle East had no oil - what would be the state of the region!. I mean would it be as desperate as Africa!? If you think about it - it really doesn't have all the many natural resources and prior to the discovery of oil most the region was known for camels and nomads!.

Unfortunately oil has become such a large part of our lives and the oil companies so powerful that it's going to take some extraordinary thing for us to change or habits!. If 9/11 and the price of oil hasn't made us aware of this - I'm not sure what else will!. I do think with the new Administration (either McCain or Obama) will have a positive effect on the price of gas - unlike the Bush, neither is in bed with the oil companies!.

Currently oil production is at 183 million barrels of oil!. At the same time oil usage is at 185 million barrels a day!. This increase in oil usage is directly linked to the emerging economies of China and India - especially China!. With the recent news that OPEC is going to drill more oil - although the reality of that statement shouldn't really have a great effect on oil production!. The price of oil is directly linked to oil production NOT the amount of oil being drilled!.

Let me quickly explain that statement!. Currently there is oil there but not the facilities to actually refine the oil into gas (and other petroleum products)!.

So back to your question - the Middle East produces around 60% of the world's oil!. That makes the region extremely important to developed nations!.

What is funny is that power the Middle East wields because of oil will ultimately be it's demise!. These countries have nothing else to offer!. If you've notice some of the smaller countries like UAE are trying to develop tourist attractions - they see the end will eventually coming!.

Eventually alternative fuels will be used and I personally believe it's going to be the emerging markets of China and India, if they are smart, will lead the way!. For instance, China is on the verge of becoming one the biggest producer of automobiles!. Well, if they were smart, they would develop it's car industry to be gas efficient or help streamline building hybrids!. Don't you think if the cost of hybrids were the same as normal cars - people would buy them in droves!? I mean the fact US car makers have sort of looked away from producing hybrids cheaply - make it a great idea (the US car industry hasn't done anything right in the last 15 years - that's why the lost millions if not billions over that time)!.

Sorry for the long winded answer but like many other people around the world - I'm not fan of the Middle East!. The governments in those region make a ton of money for there "kingdoms" and the elite but the regular citizens are treated like crap!. The only country in the region the effectively shares the government's wealth is Kuwait - it used to be a few years back that every citizen of Kuwait was guaranteed to have there college education - no matter where it was in the world - now that is something to be admired - I know this was the case in the past - I do not know if it is still the case, but I hope so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Two reasons primarily:

1) The oil is no 1!. If it weren't for the oil that lies under the sands of the Middle-Eastern states, this backwards region stuck in the mentality of 2000 b!.c!.e!. would scarcely be worth mentioning and would acquire the status of Bangladesh or Guatemala!. When the oil runs out, the huge influx of American and European money that keeps these tin pot dictatorships over there alive, the countries of the Middle East will be of little or no significance any more and collapse like Afghanistan into a bunch of tribal warlords and run by criminal gangs!. That's a prediction you can take to the bank and cash!.

2) The Middle-East has importance as the birthplace of civilization and the home of three religions which makes it Holy Land for those three faiths which share the same barbaric tribal war God as "Supreme Being"!.

Outside of these two things, I can't really think of anything else!. This is hardly high society over there with great achievements in science, art and fine literature or philosophy, eh!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Since the 20th century, oil!. Before that, the middle east, especially around Iran/Iraq are "gateways" to the eastern trade routes!. The middle east also affects trade in the Med, as well as the Red Sea!. In terms of European security, the middle east poses a potential launching site for both terrorist and "conventional" military actions!. Finally, there is the historical import of the area!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Middle East is not the United States' major supplier of oil, the US produces about 40-45% of it's oil needs (still a massive amount, we just consume too much), and imports most from countries like Mexico and Venezuela!. Oil from the Middle East makes up a small portion of our energy and with new oil finds in Brazil and Canada, it will continue to diminish!.

The main reason is whoever controls the Middle East controls the world!. The Middle East has often been the "center" of the world due to it's location and this is again true!.

Foundation of the big 3 religions is also important, terrorists less so!. Terrorists would not be as free to operate if we did not have a presence there!. Governments such as Jordan and Saudi Arabia would be able to crack down on them while not looking anti-Muslim for being a "pawn" of the US!.

Israel does not supply the US with most or even a lot of intel!. One of the biggest allies to the US in regards to intelligence is actually the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oil Reserves and Terrorists are really the only two there are!. The US uses Israel for a lot of their Foreign Intelligence since they're way better at it than the CIA!.

Other than that, it's the dependency on cheap oil, which we no longer get from them and the constant threat of terrorism that has been nagging US interests since the birth of the country in 1776!. Infact, you have the mid-eastern/northern african terrorists/pirates to thank for America's navy!.

The other stuff, energy reserves!? military systems!? I think that's a bit of a stretch!. Past Israel, there really is no military interest over there that stretches beyond the threat of terroristic attacks and oil interests!. Energy Reserves!? I don't know about any substancial energy reserves over there past the oil wells!. Take away the oil from the region, and I don't think there much interest from anyone in the world over there except for the terrorism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oil makes the world go round!. Bush was in Saudi Arabia yesterday asking for them to pump more oil and offering them weapon!. We are addicted to them as our major supplier!. Oil, no matter what reason we give for a war is comes back to oil!. We need to subdue to anti-American Muslim countries or we would get not oil!. Supply and demand we can not cut back and we use more each year!. Once we are no longer using oil, like the day will come when the tap runs dry!. But once we no longer need oil then screw the middle east the are so many rivalries now without us, let them kill themselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Only OIL !!!Www@QuestionHome@Com