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Position:Home>History> Is there such a building as Baskerville Hall?

Question: Is there such a building as Baskerville Hall!?
In the Sherlock Holmes series of ;The hound of the Baskervilles'~the home of Sir Henry Baskerville which is Baskerville Hall!. My wife tells me that there is such a place~but I did'nt believe her!. Is there such a building as Baskerville Hall!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Baskerville Hall was built in 1839 by Thomas Mynors Baskerville for his second wife, Elizabeth!.

The Baskervilles were related to the Dukes of Normandy and first came to Britain to help William the Conqueror in 1066!.

Thomas was the second son of Peter Richard Mynors from Treago near Ross-on-Wye and he inherited the Baskerville Estate from his third cousin Colonel Thomas Baskerville who died in 1818 without leaving any children!.

Arthur Conan Doyle was a family friend who often came to stay here!. During his many visits he learnt of the local legend of the hounds of the Baskervilles!. It is reputed that on nearby Hergest Ridge he translated this into probably the most famous case for his celebrated detective Sherlock Holmes!. However, at the request of his friends he set the book in Devon "to ward off tourists"!.

Since the First World War the house has been used as a school, then a hotel and health farm, until 1984 when the present owner David Hodby took over and undertook extensive restoration work!.

The 19th-century style is reflected in many rooms!. All amenities are incorporated, thus providing guests and visitors with comfortable surroundings whilst keeping alive its historical roots!.
Baskerville Hall Hotel
Clyro Court - Hay-on-Wye - Powys - HR3 5LE
Tel: +44 (0)1497-820033 Fax: +44 (0)1497-820596Www@QuestionHome@Com