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Position:Home>History> What was the war in sarajevo like?

Question: What was the war in sarajevo like!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
After Bosnia declared independence from Yugoslavia in 1992, civil war ensued!. Sarajevo became a temporary refuge for thousands of Muslims forced out of rural villages!. But this would not last as Bosnian Serb forces, supported by the Yugoslav National Army, surrounded Sarajevo and proceeded to bomb the valley city from the hills!. Within a month, the Grbavica section of Sarajevo was occupied and the rest of it was subject to shelling, sniper attacks, and starvation!.

The images associated with Sarajevo from this time: bombed buildings, bullet-ridden streetcars, an Olympic stadium full of graves, ordinary citizens trying to cross a street under sniper fire or being killed while shopping for vegetables at a market!. The siege of Sarajevo lasted nearly 1400 days, ending in 1996, just a few months after the Dayton Peace Accords!.

The city which boasted a 1991 population of nearly 526,000 people saw over 10,000 deaths and 50,000 injuries as a direct result of war!. In addition the casualties, thousands left the city altogether – emigrating elsewhere in Europe, North America, and Australia!. After four years of war, Sarajevo's population had diminished to somewhere between 349,000!.

Those who stayed were a testament to ethnic cleansing!. 1/4 of Sarajevo's population were internally displaced people from elsewhere in Bosnia!. The Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) population -- which had been about 50% of Sarajevo's population before the war -- was now 87%!. The Bosnian Serb population had been reduced from 28% to 5%!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was just like all wars!.!.!. noisy, dirty, bloody, smelly and futile!. War is HELL, always has been and always will be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com