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Position:Home>History> What is the historical roots of Jews?

Question: What is the historical roots of Jews!?
I see Arabs, European and African Jews , and they are completely different about each other , so who has the pure root of Jewish, and why didn't they melt in their societies like others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Jewish people can trace their blood-lines through Isaac the son of Abraham who originally lived in Ur of the Caldees!. Abraham had two sons: Isaac by his wife and Ishmael by his wife's handmaiden!. Ishmael fathered the Arab people!. So really this who middle east fighting is a sibling rivalry that has been going on for centuries!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is no one group that can claim to be "pure"!. Each has its own traditions and customs, with a common bond of belief in the Almighty and in the Torah!. Beyond that they break into major religious groupings (Orthodox/Traditional, Conservative, Reconstructionist, and Reform/Liberal), and major regional groupings!.

The reason why Jews haven't melted into the surrounding societies is complex, but it revolves around the firmness of their faith and traditions!. In terms of standing out from the surrounding cultures, some Jewish groups, like the Chassidim, believe in wearing distinctive clothing!. Other Jewish groups, like the Conservative and Reform/Liberal, don't!.

By the way, the term "Chosen People" has nothing to do with being superior over other peoples of the Earth--a claim that Jews have never made!. It reflects the statement in the Bible that the Lord chose the Jewish people as special to him, with a task of bringing righteousness to others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not sure I understand your question, but it seems you are asking why Jewish people who live in Europe, the Middle East, or Africa, all DRESS differently!?

The historical roots are a historical connection with Abraham, and the "Chosen People" of the Old Testament!.

Dress is not always a part of religion!. People of different religions, often blend into the cultural dress of where they live!.
If you were a Christian, you could live anywhere in the world, and if you lived in India, you'd dress in Indian-like clothing!.

In South America, you'd wear they styles of clothing!.
The Jewish religion does have some food taboos, such as not eating pork!. So, no matter where they lived, they may hone that tradition!.

also, the Jewish religion has several forms, including the Orthdox, Reformed Jews, and another type (sorry forget it not)!. Some of the Othodox do not shave their hair, Reformed Jews may, for example!.

The different forms of Judaism each have different Biblical Laws that they continue to believe as most important to follow!. Just like there are several different Christian brances, each one picks and chooses what is important in their Bible to follow, or believe!.

Ultimately, we all must use our conscience, and free-will that God gave us to best make use of our environment and learnings for His/Her purposes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The jews claim to be descended from Abraham who came from modern day Iraq
The have not blended into societies where they have lived because they are racist, describing themselves as the Chosen Race and consider all other races inferior!.Www@QuestionHome@Com