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Position:Home>History> What Event in history do you think you would have been able to change.?

Question: What Event in history do you think you would have been able to change!.!?
personally I think I would have been able to talk Hitler out of invading Poland :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Deaths due to the sinking of the Titanic!. With less human arogance all around, it could have been avoided!. The captain sped too fast, could have avoided the iceberg; the lack of lifeboats onboard, due to the arrogance of assuming it would never sink, ended up killing most of the people, who died being stopped from boarding the few boats, or died in the water!. Just plain stupid human hubris!. How would I change it!? Make sure the idiot designer insisted on putting all those lifeboats aboard somehow, instead of sacrificing them for aesthetic reasons deemed more important at the time!. also would have tried to get a less stuffy captain to treat her more kindly (the ship)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good luck with trying to convince Hitler of that!!
I would suggest instead of giving the European Jews all of the Palestine, and creating the Middle East mess we have now days, dividing the land up into well defined boarders!. So no one would have the right to take another's land, although that probably wouldn't have stopped Israel, after all they did invade Egypt which is a sovereign country!
But that's what I would have done, to be fair, I mean it's not the Palestinians people's fault that Hitler was a crackpot, and Europe felt the need to make it up to the Jews, personally I think they should have given them Germany!! Poetic Justice!Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is a hard question!.!.!. there are so many things that could be changed simple things like stopping someone from getting killed like JFK or Grand Duke Ferdinand or !.!.!. but the only thing is that it may have made history worse if certain events had not have happened!.

If the Titanic never sank then it would have taken many more years for policies concerning lifeboats and other safety regulations to improve it may have taken an even larger tragedy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think the Greek change the world because of there new ideas they have make many thing any change the worldWww@QuestionHome@Com