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Position:Home>History> I am writing a research paper on the hippie movement.....?

Question: I am writing a research paper on the hippie movement!.!.!.!.!.!?
I think the 60's were a great era, especially the hippie movement!. I am writing an argumenative essay and could use some ideas for a good thesisWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
WW2 ended in 1945!. Daddies came home and soon mommies began having lots and lots of babies!. A man called Dr!. Spock (not Mr!. Spock) wrote a book to tell those mommies and daddies on how to raise us baby boomers!.
Then the 60's rolled around, and many of the moms and dads began to do something no one else ever did before!. They got divorced!. We were in the middle of battles of will between them!. also, in 1961, a new thing was introduced, it is know now and since then as the pill!.
Now the world was changing!. In America, we were the generation where we watched the world change to our will!. Teenage nightclubs!. Then came war!.
1965 Vietnam had a war that brought the boomers into a war that had no reason!. At least none we could see, and those against the war joined those demanding civil rights!. also, the Woman's rights movement came along!.
Now there was sex, and rock and roll, and the war in vietnam!. We looked at our parents and just said, this is not what we want!. Cocktails and work a day lives!. We looked to each other to find our way!. Marijuana came along, leftover from the beatnik generation just before us!. Plus a Doctor created a drug, LSD!.
Both pot and LSD does not make one violent!. It fit into a lifestyle that wanted to have peace!. We had to find our own!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Whenever you're writing a historical essay, you should keep in mind the historical significance of your topic - that is, why anyone today would want to know about your topic, how this person or event shaped or impacted history!. Your thesis could make a positive or negative argument about the influence and effects the hippie movement had on a number of things - laws, culture, sexual revolution, women's rights movement, civil rights movement, rise of drug use, apathy in American politics, etc!. Or you could inverse that: what caused the hippie movement!? Were the hippies part of a larger cultural phenomenon!? Just remember to narrow the focus of your argument so that it's easily provable and always include the historical significance!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would like to offer a suggestion, if you can include the people's misperceptions of who the hippies were and what they did at the time (the late 1960s or early 1970s), as well as the stereotypes that people have about the hippies today - you will have a very well-rounded reserach paper!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One idea you could use!. I was in 'Nam fighting for what I though was right, the end of communism in that country!. While I was getting shot at and getting shot (twice) the "hippies" were marching in the streets protesting the war, something they knew nothing about except the long hair, the living free and living off others!.
They were burning their draft cards, running to Canada instead of serving their country!.
I left 26 good men in another country they didn't want to die in, none of us did!. I think of them every day, their families, their children that are old men and women now!. The hippies enjoyed the life we gave them, their freedom to march and protest!.

I have no feeling for these people called "hippies" they are now called "Rainbows" and live in the Nevada desert where they belong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com