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Position:Home>History> Dumb question who is/was Charles Manson?

Question: Dumb question who is/was Charles Manson!?
can anyone give me a quick history on him!?!? One of my friends was talking and said somethign about him and i had no clue who she is talking about i've heard of him but don't kow yWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No questions are dumb -- unless they're coming out of Paris Hilton's mouth or something!.

But he was basically some rowdy psycho-killer back in the 60s and 70s!. He and his "family" went around killing people (and even Sharon Tate who was some celebrity)!.

He's still in Jail, and his name is where Marylin Manson got his name from (as in Marylin Monroe and Charles Manson) Good vs!. Evil, this and that!.

But here's a better overview:

He's a piece of $#!t

he was a failed crackheaded musicain who brainwashed people to kill innocent people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com