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Question: Minority during WWII!?
I need to know a minority and why they were famous (they do need to be famous)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Jackie Robinson
From 1942 to 1944, after the Pearl Harbor surprise attack, Jackie Robinson was drafted to serve as a second lieutenant in the United States Army!. During his training in Texas with what would later become the first black tank unit to see combat, the 761st "Black Panthers" Tank Battalion, Robinson was ordered by a white bus driver to move to the back of the segregated bus, which he refused to do!. Robinson was then arrested by MPs and transferred to the 758th Battalion by the base commander, because his white battalion commander rejected the court-martial charges against Robinson!. While the commander of the 758th consented to the insubordination charges, Robinson was later acquitted by a white military jury!. Shortly thereafter, he received an honorable discharge!.[25] As such, Robinson never saw combat action during World War II!.

Robinson's actions during his military service not only presaged his breaking of the color line in baseball, but some people may believe that he may also have influenced, however indirectly, President Harry S!. Truman’s decision to integrate U!.S!. Armed forces in 1948!.
became the first African-American major league baseball player of the modern era in 1947!.[1] While not the first African American professional baseball player in United States history, his Major League debut with the Brooklyn Dodgers ended approximately eighty years of baseball segregation, also known as the baseball color line, or color barrier!. In the United States at this time, many white people believed that blacks and whites should be segregated or kept apart in many phases of life, including sports and daily life!.

The Baseball Hall of Fame inducted Robinson in 1962 and he was a member of six World Series teams!. He earned six consecutive All-Star Game nominations and won several awards during his career!. In 1947, Robinson won The Sporting News Rookie of the Year Award and the first Rookie of the Year Award!. Two years later, he was awarded the National League MVP Award!. In addition to his accomplishments on the field, Jackie Robinson was also a forerunner of the Civil Rights Movement!. In the 1960s, he was a key figure in the establishment and growth of the Freedom National Bank, an African-American owned and controlled entity based in Harlem, New York!.[2
sorry about not being in the military but he is one of the most famous athletes that was around during WWIIWww@QuestionHome@Com

Gypsies, Jews and homosexuals!. Anyone who was considered different in some way was discriminated against and often put in concentration camps!. Anyone who was taken to a concemtration camp was killed if they were over 40ish, under 16, or it was determined they were too weak to work in the concentration camp!.

Are you talking about a specific person or a group of people!? Watch Schindler's List to get more information!. You could also read the Pulitzer Prize winning book entitled Night!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If I understand your question!.!.!.

Tuskegee Airmen
Army - 442nd Rangers

I, obviously did not understand your question!. Please provide more information!.Www@QuestionHome@Com