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Position:Home>History> Canada as a Leader in Human Rights??

Question: Canada as a Leader in Human Rights!?!?
How has the memory of the holocaust helped shape Canada's role as a world leader in human rights!?

This is my answer "Canada is seen as a leader in human rights though the actions it is taking around the world and here at home!. Canada is known for being a peaceful country and for its peace keeping mission in the Middle East!. These peacekeeping missions are intended to create peace between fighting parties to ultimately prevent any outbreak of war, thus keeping peace and reassuring people’s human rights!. These peace keeping missions were created to help assure that nothing like the holocaust or World War II ever happens again!. People here have also"

People here have also!.!.!.!.!.!. what else could I add here for what people have done here in Canada that has shaped it to be a leader in human rights!?

All answers are appreciated


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Lester Pearson was a great man to invent the peace keeping unit of the United Nations, preventing war (what could have developed into a WW3) at the Suez Crisis; however Canada is not perfect, and in fact perhaps a bit self righteous, because Canada has definitely been a leader at violating human rights too, sorry for the shocking truth,!.!.!. check out the Residential School Projects done to the aboriginal people, for one example, in the 1950's, 1960's, 1970's, children taken away from parents and community and concentrated in residential schools (sounds like concentration camp), and corporal punishment and humiliation done to any child who ever spoke their native language instead of English, an attempt to rid the world of aboriginal languages and culture, and when they (if they) graduated, would still not be accepted in mainstream society, couldn't get jobs, and couldn't go home again because of their changed white-washed ways!. Thats just one example!. Just because there is peace, it does not necessarily mean that human rights haven't been violated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

as every 1 knows!.!.!.!.!.!.canada is viewed as a weak and economically foolish nation!. USAWww@QuestionHome@Com