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Position:Home>History> The Monroe Doctrine (principles, civil war, etc.)?

Question: The Monroe Doctrine (principles, civil war, etc!.)!?
The Monroe Donctrine has been a cornerstone of American foreign policy since the 1820's!. State the principles of the Monroe Doctrine and the events leading up to this unilateral agreement!. Between the 1820's and 1850's, how did the Monroe Doctrine cause a confrontationbetween the U!.S!. and Britain in Central America!? Explain how William E!. Seward attempted to use this doctrine to prevent the outbreak of the American Civil War!. Was the Monroe Doctrine used as American foreign policy in the Orient!? If not what was the U!.S!. policy in the Far East!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ok, the incident related to the Monroe Doctrine in the early national period was the conflict over British interests in central America, principally in the region near Panama!. The Clayton Bulwer treaty was intended to address this!. The primary reason was that there were a large number of people crossing the isthmus to reach the gold fields in California!.

The Seward strategy was to try and keep the European powers out of the war!. The temptation to ally with cotton and the south was a concern!. He was in Washington, prior to the inauguration, talking to diplomats telling them first that the secession movement would soon collapse, and second that the new administration, of which he would be Secretary of State, wouldn't tolerate foreign intervention in this domestic affair!.

The policy in Asia is somewhat similar to the Doctrine, though since the doctrine specifically applies to the western hemisphere, it can't be directly applied!. The role of the US in the western hemisphere, according to the doctrine, was one of protector, a kind of patriarchal role, and one which is not viewed kindly by our neighbors!. The rationale behind the interventionists in Asia was also patriarchal, though more in the guise of "white man's burden"!. This principal assumes a superiority of race, culture and religion over Asians in general!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Text of the Monroe Doctrine


That website doesn't talk about William E SewardWww@QuestionHome@Com