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Position:Home>History> Where have all the old Nazis from WW 2 been hiding?

Question: Where have all the old Nazis from WW 2 been hiding!?
Is there a reward!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Most of them are on this forum answering Adolf Hitler questions reaffirming that Hitler was a Military Genius who did wonderful things for Germany and was an over all Nice Guy!.
In truth many Nazi s did not need to go into hiding many were valued for their anti-Communst stance and found comfy berths with American and British Intelligence and settled in those countries although a few opted for Switzerland and Italy while at least one Nazi found a comfy spot in the South of France for decades until a few grousers forced him back to a court of law where a sympathetic Judge took a look at an eighty year old geezer and said, "Gees, what's the point," and sent him back home to live out his days in peace!. As noted a few of the really 'bad' Nazis migrated to Chile and Argentina and Paraguay where, once again, their talents were appreciated and in truth the only people determined to drag old Nazis to justice were Jews who were so busy forging the new nation of Israel that they really did not get the legal machinery rolling until the 1960s by which time everyone else was determined to forget the past and many of those Nazis were old, really old, so exept for a few Nazis!. most were left in peace!.
Oh and just to PO everyone, one of my favorite things to do, a boyhood Nazi, a member of the Hiter youth is now Pope which goes to show that in time everyone gets a second chance!.


Argentina's central bank stands accused of holding Nazi gold after WWII!. Researchers investigating the activities of the Nazis in Argentina say they have obtained a letter signed by the country's former foreign minister, saying he asked for the gold to be deposited in the bank in 1946!.

Until then, the money was being held for the Germans by the Swiss embassy in Buenos Aires!. "For the first time we do have Argentine evidence that Argentina was the recipient of Nazi gold," said research co-ordinator of the commission of inquiry on Nazi activities in Argentina!.

At the end of the Second World War hundreds of wanted war criminals succeeded in fleeing to Latin America to escape justice!. This much is well known!. Yet how was it done!? Peron wanted Hitler to win the war!. When defeat seemed inescapable he sent emissaries to Spain to provide material aid - false papers and passports, immigration certificates, boat tickets - to war criminals who had fled there!.

In 1946 new escape routes were forged from Denmark and Italy, where many Nazis had fled and where governments wished to get rid of them as quickly as possible!. Quite the most shocking is the comprehensive role played by the Catholic hierarchy in offering succour to fascists from Catholic Europe trying to evade the lawWww@QuestionHome@Com

There are either dead or hiding In many countries!. Trying there best to leave there past behind!. One man that served in a base training guard dogs, was deported in 2007!. He was very old!. And claimed he only trained the dogs and did not know what they were using them for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most of them went to South America but some stayed in Europe and even in Germany and the United States!. And yes if any are still alive there will always be a reward until they are all gone!. Very sore subject still to this day and the hunt will continue!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know where ALL of them go, but!. Dr!. Mengele, the psycho behind the execution of Jews in the Holocaust escaped to Brazil living under an alias until he died!. I imagine that many fled to then under-developed countries, but who's to say!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would look in South America, also Canada is said to weak investigating such claims into this injustice!. i know there is the Simon Weisenthal center that investigatesWww@QuestionHome@Com

The very few that remain were just like anyone else after that war!. They just wanted to live their lives in peace and forget everything that happened!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Many fled to South America, mostly Brazil!.

But, soldiers who had little power would have no need to hide, because they really didn't do much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most are now deceased with only a few remaining!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

99% of them are probably dead by now!. Remember, it's been 63 years since the end of WW2!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mostly Argentina!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most of them are dead!. They'd be in their 80s or older by now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com