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Position:Home>History> Attention history buffs.... why did Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton figt a due

Question: Attention history buffs!.!.!.!. why did Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton figt a duel in the first place!?
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It's a long story!. Read about it here:


Burr challenged Hamilton to a duel because he kept blocking Burr from obtaining the political offices he wanted:

"Duel arose from a long-standing political and personal rivalry that had developed between both men over a course of several years!. Tensions reached a bursting point with Hamilton's journalistic defamation of Burr's character during the 1804 New York gubernatorial race in which Burr was a candidate!.
On the morning of July 11, 1804, Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr raised their dueling pistols and took aim!. Hamilton, the former secretary of the treasury, and Vice President Burr were longstanding political rivals and personal enemies!. Burr might have been the president instead of vice president, had it not been for Hamilton's interference!. When Burr's term as vice president was almost over, he ran for governor of New York!. Hamilton, once again, prevented Burr from winning by opposing his candidacy!. Burr retaliated by challenging Hamilton to a duel!.
Standing on the heights of Weehawken, New Jersey, Hamilton and Burr fired their pistols!. Some people said that Hamilton purposely missed Burr!. Burr's shot, however, fatally wounded Hamilton, leading to his death the following day!. Aaron Burr escaped unharmed!.
Hard to believe, but settling differences with a duel had been the custom before the Revolution!. In 1804, however, dueling was no longer legal in the state of New York, where both men were political leaders!. Burr was indicted for murder, but the charges were later dropped!."Www@QuestionHome@Com