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Position:Home>History> Which had the most profound effect on History, the British Empire or the Roman E

Question: Which had the most profound effect on History, the British Empire or the Roman Empire !?
And why !?
Which did the most for the advancement of civilisation !?
Which left the least scars !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wheee! This is coming up on my history exam on Monday!!!
The Roman Empire by far!.
33% of our words are from Latin
We use the Roman alphabet
They built massive roads through Europe
They influenced lots of art
We build Romanesque buildings
They invented the Republic/ democoracy
They came up with running water in your home and central heating!.
We use the Roman calendar
Roman law forms the basis of most European and American law today!.
And it was Roman and Greek influence which began the Renaissance, so you can really count some of the stuff that happened in the Renaissance too - new art techniques, invention of the printing press, new science ideas etc!.

;-) Capaz De Todo xxx???xxxWww@QuestionHome@Com

It so evident!.!.!.the roman empire had the most profound effect on history!.!.What! has the british empire have to show for it !? trafalgar square!? the kyber pass or timbuktu!? The roman empire built roads whole city's ports!.aquedacts!.industrious!.centres all around the conqured roman empire!.!.the british empire just took what they could to finace thier country and intrest!.!.!.and left permant scars in mens hearts till this day and we are paying for the british empires greedy little hands!. with out investigating the truth behind desputed terrritories!.!.they just took and gave to people of thier liking,,and profited with out govering!.in fact the whole world,s political maps have changed 3 times because of british interefernce in foreing countries upsettign the balance of power for britans gains!.!.rome may have searched for gains but they where just and they where governed!.!.not for 150 years but for at least 400 hundred years!.!.in most countries they conqured or had as alies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The physical effects of Rome were swallowed by the dark ages and the political, philosophical and artistic achievements of the age were the products of a Helenised cultural which dominated the Med prior to Roman interferance!. Our technological & architural inhereitance is owed mainly to home-grown developments of the middle ages!. Despite the power of Rome in its day, the effect of the Empire do not resonate through history!.

If only by virtue of its recent demise the British Empire's effect on the world are more palpable!. 30% of the world speak English as a first or second language!. Many of the great democracies of the world owe their systems to British influence!. The worlds only superpower (for now) grew from British Imperialism!. The political maps of Africa, India & North America would not look as they do were it not for British !.

To be honest the comparison is unfair!. The heritage of Rome, greatly overstated but potent none the less, is greatly diluted by time!. Whereas the world we live in is still one where the political & phylosophical landscape owes much to the effect of British Imerialism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Western Civ!. class was a long time ago, but I believe the Romans would be the correct answer!. We still use aspects of old Roman law in contemporary times and they helped lay the ground work, along with the Greeks yuk, for modern society and sensibility!. This of course impacted the British Empire!.
With regards to the scars left, they were both vicious at times and necessarily ruthless, however the effects of imperialism were far more widespread with the British!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it will be the roman because it is through this empire that relations of west and east strengthened and eventually led to the age of exploration!.

the most advanced could be the britishWww@QuestionHome@Com

Obviously the Britih Empire!.A simple example of their effect on the world!.Why do we speak predominantly in English instead of Italian!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Roman Empire, if only by virtue of precedence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Both empires have effected history in their own ways for good and bad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not a fair comparison though,romans conquered the known world,brits coloniasedWww@QuestionHome@Com

i would say the jolly old Roman Empire old chap,CheersWww@QuestionHome@Com