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Position:Home>History> Did Missouri secede during the Civil War or not? (10 pts)?

Question: Did Missouri secede during the Civil War or not!? (10 pts)!?
My teacher gave me a worksheet and one of the questions on it is:

"How did Lincoln keep Missouri in the Union!?"

I have spent a while looking for the answer to this question, but most evidence suggests Missouri seceded!. So if you were in my shoes, how would you answer this question!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
After the secession of Southern states began, the Missouri legislature called for the election of a special convention on secession!. The convention voted decisively to remain within the Union!. Pro-Southern Governor Claiborne F!. Jackson ordered the mobilization of several hundred members of the state militia who had gathered in a camp in St!. Louis for training!. Alarmed at this action, Union General Nathaniel Lyon struck first, encircling the peaceful camp and forcing the state troops to surrender!. Lyon then directed his soldiers, largely non-English-speaking German immigrants, to march the prisoners through the streets, and opened fire on the largely hostile crowds of civilians who gathered around them!. Soldiers killed unarmed prisoners as well as men, women and children of St!. Louis in the incident that became known as the "St!. Louis Massacre!."

These events heightened Confederate support within the state!. Governor Jackson appointed Sterling Price, president of the convention on secession, as head of the new Missouri State Guard!. In the face of General Lyon's rapid advance in the state, Jackson and Price were forced to flee the capital of Jefferson City on June 14, 1861!. In the town of Neosho, Missouri, Jackson called the state legislature into session!. They enacted a secession ordinance, recognized by the Confederacy on October 30, 1861!.

With the elected governor absent from his capital and the legislators largely dispersed, Union forces installed an unelected pro-Union provisional government with Hamilton Gamble as provisional governor!. President Lincoln's Administration immediately recognized Gamble's government as the legal government!. This decision provided both pro-Union militia forces for service within the state and volunteer regiments for the Union Army!.

So technically yes an no, the state govoner and all the southern supporters did in fact secede and set up a government recognized by the south!. But the state as a whole remained in the union under the un-elected pro union goverment put in place!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

By doing a little more work!. There were five border states!. Deleware, Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri, and West Virginia!. These were slave states within the Union during the war!. Of the five, Delware was highly unlikely to secede and West Virginia was originally the western counties of Virginia that seceded from their home state and eventually formed their own state!. Maryland was put under marshal law to prevent it from seceding due to the fact that DC is mostly encompassed by Maryland!. Kentucky and Missouri did have Declarations of Secession, but both were not allowed to secede!. The Confederacy did accept both states so there were Union and Confederate Governments in both!. Kentucky's Declaration of Secession was November 20, 1861 and Missouri's October 31, 1861Www@QuestionHome@Com

Technically it was an Army Officer smart enough to know that Missouri intended to secede, and they were about to storm the armories in order to gain enough weapons to do so!. He directed reinforcements to the armories, saved the weapons, order the arrest of certain individuals and kicked up a hail storm to scare would be rebels!. This little officers last name is Grant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Four slave states -- Delaware, Maryland, Missouri, and Kentucky -- did not succeed from the Union!. but no missouri did not secede from the union!. My guess is that it has something to do with the missouri compromise, but i am not 100 percent sure

hope this helps :pWww@QuestionHome@Com

The war time capital of Missouri was relocated to Marshall,Texas!.Www@QuestionHome@Com