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Position:Home>History> What do you mean "Krasnaya ploshtad" in Russian?

Question: What do you mean "Krasnaya ploshtad" in Russian!?
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In old Russian, "krasnyi" (male adjective), "krasnaya" (female adjective), and "krasnoe" (neutral adjective) had several meanings!.

One was "red", similar to modern Russian!.

Another was "beautiful" (Russian folk tales are full of references to "krasnaya devitsa", meaning "a beautiful maiden")!.

Yet another was "bright"; "krasnoe" was often used in reference to the sun; there was even a ruler (price Vladimir of Kiev) whose nickname was The Red Sun!.

Yet another meaning was associated with a place of honor; "krasnyi ugol" (literally, "the red corner") was the place in a traditional home where the icon(s) were hung, with a small oil lamp in front of them; during meals, guests of honor sat in that corner as well!.

Additionally, the upscale homes usually had "red entry" in the front for the owners and guests and "black entry" in the back for servants and deliveries!.

Personally, I think is is the latter that gave the square its name!. The "front doors" of the Kremlin, through which the dignitaries usually entered, opened onto it!. also, Lobnoye Mesto (which, contrary to popular opinion, was used for a public execution only once, but generally was the stage used by criers to read royal edicts) was there, further adding to the "official front door" status!.!.!.

P!.S!. To Arthur N: your guess is incorrect!. The red-brick walls are not the original ones; they were built between 1485 and 1495 during the reign of Ivan III!. Before that, the Kremlin had walls of white limestone built in 1366-1368 during the reign of Dmitri Donskoi!. Before that, the walls were built of oaken logs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Red Square!. Because the surrounding walls are made of red brickWww@QuestionHome@Com

Krasnaia ploshadi!. Almost the sameWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think it means Read Square!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com