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Position:Home>History> What were the causes of world war 1??

Question: What were the causes of world war 1!?!?
ok well i just turned in my book today and im lost now!

ok i have a lot of questions!?

what were the main causes of world war 1!?

how(why) did most of europe become involved in the war!?

how did trench warfare and new weapons affect the fighting in world war 1!?

how did the u!.s!. try to remain nutral during the war!?


what event led the u!.s to enter the war!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1) arch duke ferdinand was killed in sarevejo by the serbs
2) everyone was allied with each other so when war broke out everyone asked there friend to help out
3) became a stalemate with trenches, and new weapons made being on the defensive easier!. it also added to higher kill rates!.
4) isolationism and selling stuff to both sides not in the same proportion though!.
5) zimmerman note brought in us!. when it was learned germany might get mexico to invade!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Archdude Ferdinand the heir to the Astro-hungrian throne was assasinated and most of europe had deals with other countries to help defend eachother

trenchwarfare made cavalry obsolete and the inventions of new weapons let to more deaths and the tank could transport troops and supplies without being damaged

The U!.S!. tried to stay out of the war because it had many profitable trade routes with europeans nations!. also they just didn't want to be in a war

The U!.S!. entered the war because on more than one occasion Germans submarines were sinking British passeger ships that had American citizens on themWww@QuestionHome@Com

technically, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria "sparked" the war!. the real reasons are many and varied, to put the biggest one very simply, it was national tensions that had reached a breaking point!. i believe wikipedia does a good job of explaining the others, so look there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It really was a naked land grab and all they needed was a catalyst to make it workWww@QuestionHome@Com

There was an assanation of a high offical, (ferdna!? maybe) It was a really dumb reason but thats what kind of started the whole thingWww@QuestionHome@Com

the assassination of Archduke FerdinandWww@QuestionHome@Com