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Position:Home>History> Any other topics for the 1920s? ...?

Question: Any other topics for the 1920s!? !.!.!.!?
My teacher wants me to make my own topic because the ones she set out are all taken!. And the presentation is for 2 people per only!.

I seriously can't think of one!. Health, maybe!? :< Help please! 10 points!

Taken Topics:
Art, Slang, Food, Crime, Literature, National Politics, Famous People, Dance, Sports, Music, Men's Fashion, Women's Fashion, Movies and Theatre, The Harlem Rennaissance, Architecture and interior designs, Transportation and Travel, Leisure Activities and Nightlife, Science and Technology, Current Events!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

um!.!.!. agriculture!?


women's rights


also the status of Eurpoean countries -post WWI and its effectsWww@QuestionHome@Com

The depression, the presidants, housing, economyWww@QuestionHome@Com

maybe family life!? sports!? games!? inventions!?Www@QuestionHome@Com