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Position:Home>History> Was the British army powerful/strong in the late 1700s and the early 1800s?

Question: Was the British army powerful/strong in the late 1700s and the early 1800s!?
I need to know especially for during the war of 1812!. Please Help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The British army was very good man for man, but around this time frame, it was actually very small compared to the armies of France, Prussia or Russia!.

GB has always relied on its navy!. There are a few reasons why the colonists defeated Britain in the war of independence, but one that is often over looked, is the fact, the British army was small!.

The British army during the war of 1812, was equipped with the best arms for the time!. Generally speaking British Commanding officers were not that great!. This was because if you had the money you could buy your way to becoming a General or a Colonel!. You were given command of an army, not be merit, but by how much money you had!. Ofcourse, sometimes you would get someone who had money, but also talent, but at the same time, you could get some1 with money, but no ability leading an army!. You could not buy a commission (Captaincy) in the navy, for the very reason, you needed brains to Captain a ship!.

Thankfully for GB (I'm British) during the war of 1812, we had a fairly decent General in charge of our Canadian army!. General Brock was far more capable than the American General who tried to invade Canada in 1812!.

In fact, the American leadership during this war was quite bad!. Where as the British were more than happy to remain on the defensive (as we only wanted to retain control of Canada) the Americans wanted to conquer Canada!. This meant, their logistics had to be pretty good (their supply wagons etc), but they were never really well organised!. With the US forces mainly being made up of militias, the US was defeated in two unsuccessful invasions of Canada in 1812!. Sadly Brock died in the 2nd invasion attempt!.

With British naval superiority, British forces raided the US coastlines quite successfully!. The most famous raid came in 1814 when Washington was burned!. In revenge for the US setting fire to Toronto in 1813!. (1 of the reasons the Canadians dont like you guys, lol)!.

In the Great lakes, there was a stalemate, because ships in these waters had to be built!. So British naval supremacy across the globe mattered little, with the exception of seamanship!. Some victories were won be either side, but no actual side could gain the upper hand!. (We were told at Uny that the US ships, which won individual sea battles, were often larger than their British counterparts, but often classed as the same "type" of ship)

With the defeat of Napoleon, the British could release additional forces to the conflict in North America!. The Battle of New Orleans was possible due to British naval supremacy, but the British ultimately lost the battle due to poor Generalship!. Ofcourse the scale, was no1 near the size of battles in Europe, and in actual fact a peace settlement had been agreed before the battle took place!. The soldiers on both sides simply did not know, they were at "peace" because it took so long to convey the news from GB to the US!.

If you ask me, and although i dont know much about this conflict, i am a military historian!. The US could have taken Canada from GB but failed, due to the war aims of GB and the poor handling of the war by US leaders!. Its important to note that GB only wanted to retain control of Canada, and for that reason could defend and secure her lines of communication and supplies!. Its also for that reason, why ulimately the US lost the war, and GB won it!. The US wanted to take control of Canada, which they failed to do!. GB wanted to keep Canada, and that they did!.

Why call it the war of 1812, when it was fought from 1812-15!? We Brits think its because the Americans want to hide the embarrassment of what happened in 1814, lol!.

So 3 specific reasons why the Brits were strong in 1812!?

1) Poor handling of the war by US leaders!.
2) British naval supremacy strengthened their position!.
3) Man for man, the British soldiers were probably better than their American counterparts!. Not always, but added to the mishandling of US supplies, they had little faith in their superiors!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The most powerful nation on earth at the time!.

Strongest navy - controlled the sea!.

Strong army -no one wanted to go against the trained brits (except the colonist ofcourse)

Colonization - the age of exploration had really helped them!. They expaned their territory and were becoming quite wealthy which brings me to my next point!.!.!.

One of the wealthiest countries of that time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

YES! DUH!Www@QuestionHome@Com