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Position:Home>History> Can sumone summerize the event in the battle of dieppe???

Question: Can sumone summerize the event in the battle of dieppe!?!?!?
thxx!.!. P!.S can u put it into ur own word!. i dont understand what really happen!.

THANK You SO MUCHWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1942 - Canadian forces attempted to capture Dieppe in what was supposed to be a foretaste of a full scale invasion of occupied France!.
Security was defective, air support was inadequate and the tanks failed to get off the shingle beach and over the sea wall!.
The port was heavily defended and the Canadians had no chance many of them being killed or taken prisoner!.
Valuable lessons were learnt for the real invasion in 1944 such as having total air supremacy, secrecy and special vehicles to overcome the beach defences!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Power trips and stupidityWww@QuestionHome@Com