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Position:Home>History> Outbreak of war in europe in 1939?!!!?

Question: Outbreak of war in europe in 1939!?!!!!?
Help!!!! I dont understand this critical thinking question!.!.!.
a)What was an immediate cause of the outbreak of war in Eruope in 1939!?
b) What were two long-term causes!?

Omg, if you answer them, i will love you!!!!!!! lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Okay, let's see if I can be of any help!.

a) An immediate cause for the outbreak of the war was the end to international tolerance towards Hitlers demands!. When Hitler attacked Poland in September 1939 England and France were no longer willing to "give him this one little thing more, so we can have peace"!.

b) Due to Hitlers politics Germany was bankrupt!. Hitler saw this coming and knew that he needed a war to cover the financial disaster he had orchestrated!. He told his ministers that he needed Germany to be ready for the war in 1940 lattes!. And he told this while there was no nation threatening Germany and no war to be expected!.
Another reason was that Hitler believed that the arian "race" was superior and should therefore rule (most parts of) the world!. He needed more space for his people!. And this space could only be conquered!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The immediate cause was the Russo/German partition of Poland!. The allies finally made up their minds that Hitler's gallop had to stopped, and issued an ultimatum; when Hitler rejected this, there was war!.

The long-term causes were:
!.!.!.German nationalism and German revanchism after 1919
!.!.!.Pacifism in the UK, which convinced Hitler that he could get away with it
!.!.!.The need to maintain a balance of power in Europe, ensuring that no nation could establish a hegemony (this was why we so often went to war with France in the 18C: France was a dominant power and needed to be trimmed back)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try looking at the questions this way:
a- What was the last important event that directly led to Germany's invasion of Poland!? I can think of two, but there's one very important event that happened in summer 1939!.
b- What are two other events that happened earlier that led up to "a"!?
Note that a critical thinking question is somewhat easier to answer!. There's not really (or at least shouldn't be) a "right" answer!. You decide what the answer is, and explain why you think so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's not a simple answer; there were many reasons!. Many Germans felt that they got a raw deal when they lost the First World War!. They were embarrassed by the peace accords!. That put them in the mood for war (you might say 'the thought')
Then they invaded Poland and another Slavish country( I don't remember if it was Czechoslovakia or Yugoslavia) (this would be the action)!. The Prime Minister of England , Neville Chamberlain (I'm not sure of the spelling) let Hitler get away with this so Germany thought it could get away with invading other Countries!. He was REAL WRONG!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com