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Position:Home>History> Reconstruction 1865-1877?

Question: Reconstruction 1865-1877!?
In what ways was the Reconstruction era of U!.S!. history successful!? In what ways was it not!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Punishing the South is not a sucess and that was not the intention of the reconstruction era at all!. The whole reason for this era was to rebuild the south (so I'm not sure where the punishment comes in) However, your question cannot really be answered since the reconstructino era was a huge flop (except for maybe the freedom of the slaves)!. Nothing was done during this time!. The country was in debt!. Johnson was almost impeached during this time and Grants office was full of corruption (not Grant himself but many of his officials)!. Nothing they set out to do happened!. The south wasn't rebuilt, the wounds of war hadn't begun to heal, the nation was still grieving over the death of a president!. It was just a mess!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was successful in that it punished the South and enriched the carpetbaggers!. It was not successful as far as integrating former slaves into mainstream society!. The Civil War changed attitudes toward racial views very little!.Www@QuestionHome@Com