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Position:Home>History> Was anyone involved with the Vietnam anti-war movement?

Question: Was anyone involved with the Vietnam anti-war movement!?
Why did you decide to become involved, and what did you do!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
At the beginning I was taken in by the idiots like Jane Fonda, John Lennon,et al!. Peace was the only objective, but at what price!? There was a Soviet propaganda objective being used in the US at the time (price of free speech, but so it goes) and like the fool kids we were, we fell for it!. Much to my regret today, youth is no excuse for being stupid, nor will I make it mine!.
As you grow you realize there is no such thing as a gray area, there is right and there is wrong!. I was wrong, but I got over it!.
I marched, worked for that idiot McGovern, and bought into their ideas that the world is really all sweetness and light!. Later I in the war I learned a bit more and opposed it because of the way it was being fought and going to continue to be fought, only half way!. The fact that the government lied about 2/3's of what was going on and that we would not fight to win, only for another Korea!. Not a good enough reason to kill and be killed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com