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Question: Who was Jane Austen engaged to!?
From what I've read about her, she was engaged once!. Does anyone know who, or why she broke up with him!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Hi RP!.
As has been already mentioned, Jane did in fact become engaged to Harris Bigg-Wither!. This was a short engagement as she broke off with him the next day!.
She had one great love in her life and that was Thomas Langlois Lefroy!. She met him in January 1796, while he was on a holiday in the south of England, visiting his aunt and uncle at Ashe Rectory!. They had both just turned 20!. Nothing came of it as he had to move to Ireland and Jane didn't want to go!. They remained life long friends through the letters they wrote to each other!. One must remember, that her plots, although fundamentally comic, highlight the dependence of women on marriage to secure social standing and economic security!. Like those of Samuel Johnson, one of the strongest influences on her writing, her works are concerned with moral issues!. In an early work called, Love and Friendship, a juvenile story which she wrote when she was 14 years old!. Jane lampooned the conventions of romantic stories, right down to the utter failure of romantic fainting spells, which always turn out badly for the female characters!. In this story one can see the development of her sharp wit and disdain for romantic sensibility, so characteristic of her later novels!. Jane grew up in a time when women were subjects of the males in their lives; Fathers, Brothers and especially Husbands!. She rebelled against this using her writings as a weapon for Social Comment!. I believe she made up her mind at an early age never to marry and this is evident in her early writings!.
I hope this is of some help!.
Good luck my friend,

She accepted a proposal of marriage from a friend of the family called Harris Bigg-Wither,in November 1802, but she changed her mind overnight and broke off the engagement the next morning!. So she was only actually engaged for less than a day!.

We don't really know why she got engaged to him, or why she changed her mind!. She may have changed her mind because she decided she did not really love him, or because she decided she wanted to devote herself to writing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She was engaged to Harris Bigg-Wither!. He was apparently not a very attractive man, but his position as an heir to several estates would have provided security for Jane and her family!. She retracted her acceptance the following morning, however, it is not known why exactly but apparently he was a very plain looking man, tactless and aggressive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No she never did, she met and supposedly fell in love with several men, but one died and the other who proposed and she accepted, but she changed her mind the following day, so no she was never engaged

it was not a formal engagement, no ring, no anything sorryWww@QuestionHome@Com

Perhaps, Ernest Borgnine!?Www@QuestionHome@Com