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Position:Home>History> Sorry about the Elizabeth I of England questions!!?

Question: Sorry about the Elizabeth I of England questions!!!?
How did she introduce new ideas!?
I am very confused lol
And what did she have to do with the spanish armada!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
She was a very bold woman and sometimes a bit bawdy!. She once embarrassed the French ambassador by not wearing her partlet, which made her neckline, rather revealing!.

She introduced new ideas by saying this is how it is, like it or have your head cut off!. Well, in so many words!.

As far as the Spanish Armada she was a motivating factor or possibly figurehead for the navy to fight!.

The navy had smaller ships than the Spanish and were quicker!. I believe one tactic was to set fire to the Spanish ships!. Mother nature also helped sink several of the Spanish ships!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

thats ok she did itallWww@QuestionHome@Com