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Position:Home>History> Elizabeth I of England ?????

Question: Elizabeth I of England !?!?!?!?!?
Why did she never marry!?!?
What did she think of herself!?!?
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She didn't like the few who were put in front of her by her advisers as necessary for agreeable alliances!. She also had her pick of whoever took her fancy and changed them when the fancy took her!. Royalty have played that game for centuries!.
She thought of herself as a servant of England and the equal of any man!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was expected that Elizabeth would marry, but despite several petitions from parliament, she never did!. The reasons for this choice are unknown, and they have been much debated!. As she grew older, Elizabeth became famous for her virginity, and a cult grew up around her which was celebrated in the portraits, pageants and literature of the day!.
From the start of Elizabeth's reign, the question arose of who she would marry!. However, she never married, and the reasons for this are not clear!. Historians have speculated that Thomas Seymour had put her off sexual relationships, or that she knew herself to be infertile!. Until bearing a child became impossible, she considered several suitors, the last courtship ending in 1581 when was aged 48, Fran?ois, Duke of Anjou (22 years her junior)!. However, Elizabeth had no need of a man's help to govern, and marrying risked a loss of control or of foreign interference in her affairs, as had happened to her sister Mary!. On the other hand, marriage offered the chance of an heir!.

One of her mottos was video et taceo: "I see, and say nothing"!. This strategy, viewed with impatience by her counsellors, often saved her from political and martial misalliances!. Though Elizabeth was cautious in foreign affairs and only half-heartedly supported a number of ineffective, poorly resourced military campaigns in the Netherlands, France and Ireland, the defeat of the Spanish armada in 1588 associated her name forever with what is popularly viewed as one of the greatest victories in British history!. Within twenty years of her death, she was being celebrated as the ruler of a golden age, an image that retains its hold on the English people!.Historians, however, tend to be more cautious in their assessment!. They often depict Elizabeth as a short-tempered, sometimes indecisive ruler, who enjoyed more than her share of luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

she never married because she felt marriage would weaken her status as queen!. she wanted to be ruler in her own right and not second fiddle to any man!. she may have fallen in love but the man who was noted as her favourit was not a fitting man to be king!. her council tried to push her into marriage many times but gave up after she delcared herself married to england, which she did in order to prove she was strong and capable and that she put her people before her own feelings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She nearly married Sir Robert Dudley, a man who was in the Tower of London when Mary put her there!.

He had a dying wife, named Amy Rosbart who was bedridden, anfd she suddenly died by falling down the stairs (suspicious)

He was accused of killing her, and due to this shame she could not marry him, though she loved him very much!. After him, she could not bear to marry though she played the Marriage Game til she died (keeping foreign princes on their toes)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Elizibeth never married because her mother (the one she was born by) was killed because her father seemed to fall in love with another woman and ppl believe she was studying witch craft!. so the king made sombody behead her!. she didnt want to be a selfish person and be married and fall in love again and hav to kill her other husband!. they couldnt devorice in tht time :}Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was a man!. Henry VIII always wanted a daughter, but all be had were sons, poor sick Edward and Mary Tudor (Look at the pictures - that is no woman!)!. When Elizabeth (real name Brendon) was born, they couldn't bear to tell the king it was another boy, so!.!.!.Elizabeth I was a manWww@QuestionHome@Com

She wanted to be the ultimate female leader and new that if she married then they would be king!. Although she did have a true love the Earl of Dudley but he was already married!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As for what she though of herself I don't think we will ever know (too long ago)!. She never married because she was scared of her husband becoming king!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the reason why she never married was coz she feared that her husband would be king and in them days a king was seen as more power-full than a queenWww@QuestionHome@Com

Have you never read "KENILWORTH"!. by Sir Walter Scott!.!.!. it's all in that book!.

She had a failed love affair with Lester (the same Lester who built Kenilworth Castle for her so she had a place to rule from)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She never wanted to marry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because she was ginger!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

she didnt want to share the throneWww@QuestionHome@Com

she belived that she was married to her countryWww@QuestionHome@Com