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Position:Home>History> I need answers on the renaissance?

Question: I need answers on the renaissance!?
What years are generally considered the time period of the Renaissance!?

What factors helped lead to the begining of the renaissance!?

In what area of the world did the Renaissance movement begin!?

Who were some important figures of the renaissance!?

What major events took place that shaped the period of the renaissance!?

What time period did the Renaissance give way to!? Did the Renaissance have anything to do with inspiring that future time period!?
19 hours ago - 3 days left to answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Renaissance is the french word that translates to 'rebirth'!. this was a whole entire chapter in class last year, the only fun one in my opinion! it lasted roughly from the 14th-17th century AD and it began in little hamlets in Italy!. then the movement later spread throughout western europe!.
see, they call it rebirth because during this period, it was the period when people began to think of new ideas, ideas of their own, and people began to rebel against the sensless rules that were set by the kings or whatever of that time!.
Leonardo Da Vinci was a very important figure of this time, cause he had very innovative ideas, and he even came up with the basic structure of the 'flying machine' which has been developed into our present aeroplanes!. Michaelangelo was also one of them!. Just remember the teenage mutant ninja turtles!.!.!.thatll help u remember four of the most famous figures of the rennaissance!. no really, they all were!.!.!. =P
and as for major events, well!.!.!.the black death epidemic was spreading during this time!.!.!.its mentioned in many articles of the renaissance!. also, the new way of thinking so called the "scientific method" was developed at this time!.!.which is the method of learning by experiment, enquiry and observation!. people of this time learned to question so that they could learn!. where as before this, questioning established laws was not permitted!.!.!.look at the story of galileo, another renaissance character!.!.his work was rejected because people were not allowed to believe any other theory of this sort except that of aristotles!.!.!.
lol, am i blabbering too much!? eh u asked for it!.!.so yea anyway!.!.!.!.we currently use the "scientific method" of thinking today, since were all free individuals!.!.
the renaissance had FRIKIN LOADS of inspiriation for the future! we'd still be living by false laws if it werent for this period of rebellion!.!.!.yes, it did start off with rebels in hamlets of italy, as said!.!.!. and we would still be believing laws blindly, without having the right to ask why or anything!.!.!. u know the five W's!. whatever!. =P
so yea, i guess u have a project or something!?! hope i could help!.!.good luck with it!
"nice ta meechya" ;) =P XD