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Position:Home>History> Innovations in the 1960's?

Question: Innovations in the 1960's!?
im doing a project about the 1960's and i have to research inventions and discoviers from the 60's!. i have a list of inventions and medical stuff but is there really one particular technological focus during that time period!? it seems like all the inventions were pretty random (breast implants, the pill, video game consoles, handheld calculator, tanning cream etc)so im just wondering if there was a main focus im missing!.

i know it was during the space race tho right!? was that really a huge focus that influenced everything else!?

sorry my question might not be clear or something but i just dont know what im doing!. thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the main feature of the 1960-s was the deepening divide between the capitalist countries headed by USA and the "command economy" regimes under the then USSR ("Russia") on the other!. China was a giant that had been sleeping, but had awakened!. The conflict between these two systems, indeed they were different civilizations was called the "Cold War'!.

The competition between these two led to a spate of technological innovations!. Capitalism had the edge; they could go all out for higher productivity, greater variety, quicker obsolence and more frequent replacement, because the cost in human misery does not figure in financial accounts that capitalism believes are the only truth!.

but the greater accessibility of the innovations of capitalism spread faster and deeper among the people!. Ultimately the only civilization that appealed to all people was the consumerist paradise that multi-national corporations built around the world!.

have a nice time, and do well in your assignment!Www@QuestionHome@Com

this looks a lot like a homework question!. i don't think this is yahoo homework service!.Www@QuestionHome@Com