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Position:Home>History> Are History degree's really hard to do?

Question: Are History degree's really hard to do!?
also how long do they take to complete!?
What is the coursework requirements!?
If anyone knows could you please let me know as I'm thinking of doing a history degree in September/October!.
Thanks for your answers in advance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No, but it has been pointed out that you earn the degree!.
I did mine and I found it really easy if you have an aptitude for it!.
If you have a good memory for dates and places then you'll do well!.
It also helps if you have a passion for history!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A History degree (undergraduate), take 120 college credits or 4 years!. If you take 15 credts hours a semester you can accomplish this goal!. It took me 5 years!.

At most major universites and colleges the coursework requirements involve a foreign language (10 credits), college algebra (3 credits), science (10 credits), english 101 and 102 (6 credits)!. Talk to a college coounselor, they will be happy to help map out the future that you want!.

Usually your junior and senior year in college (your remaining 45-60 credit hours) is focused on your degree work!. World History, European history, Egyptian history, Roman history, Military history, Women's history, are just a few of the many classes you can take to complete your history degree!. Your senior year will focus on a writing intensive class to prepare you for your senior thesis!.

Good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

It depends upon the university and their requirements!. A major in history should take two years if you have completed all of your general education and intro courses in the prior two years!. It also depends upon the course load (# of courses) you can handle!. You need to be prepared to do a lot of reading, research and writing!. Good critical thinking and analytical skills are necessary and an above average writing ability is helpful!. Don't be discouraged if your writing skills are not well developed because you will get a lot of practice!. Check your university catalog, for the requirements of the degree at the school where you'll be attending!. History majors are not really hard, but do require a significant investment in time and effort!. Once you get settled in on campus,speak with upper level students already in the program, to find out about the ins and outs of the program!. You don't have to choose a major right away and if you do and change your mind, you have time to switch if you desire!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

depends on which type of degree you are looking for!. BS or BA

I have a BA, which requires a minor in something and a foreign language study!.

Usually the course work includes classes that will require to read A LOT and to buy many textbooks!. I myself one semester bought 15 books!.!.!.!.for one class!.

also, the key thing about getting a history degree is that you will write a lot of papers, on varying subjects!. And since I took a BA course, I took a Senior Seminar where my grade was dependent on one assignment: which was a 15-20 page paper that I did study for and work on all semester long!.!.!.alongside other subjects that I took!. this class was required for me to graduate!.
European studies, American studies, some literature, writing courses, Asian and south American, stuff like that!. if you go for a history education degree, you will need some teaching courses!.

oh!. I forgot that you can also major in history education so you can teach it in high school!. also, a BA in History is a useful stepping stone to getting an MA or MS in History, which can allow you to teach at a community college level, by itself or while you are working for a doctorate!.
some colleges have a special grad program for history, where you can go study abroad for at least a semester, or as long as two years; depending on your focus of study!. Europe, Asia, S!. America, Africa!.

plus a history degree of some sort is useful if you want to work in some government agencies like the patent office, and various museums!. but you will need a grad degree for some of them!.

if you want to take history, that is fine!. but let the decision be made depending on what you want to do as a career!. a history degree is not the best choice to go for if you want to work in an office!.!.!.!.but I took Business Management as my minor so I have worked in an office myself!.

also, your minor can help you get into other programs!. since I have a minor in Business, I can (and am) applying for business school to get my MBA!.
might go for my MA in history as well, if it is not too labor intensive!. if so, i can drop one or the other!.

so, if you want to go into history, go for it if it is what you like!. but plan accordingly!.

good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your problem is that I don't know what kind of degree you are talking about!.
I'll assume you want to do a BA in history!.
Doing a BA in history is quite fun!. The course load is just like any other major (at UCSB, 80 units, 20 classes)!. But then, you need to try to figure out what you want to do with it!. If you want to go on to Graduate School and get an M!.A!./Ph!.D, you need to learn a foreign language (German, French are common in most history subject, and the language of the region you wish to specialize in)!. Of course, if you're interested in medieval history or earlier, Latin and Greek will be necessary!. If you want to do it for fun, then forget the language, but take more practical classes (economics, poli-sci, math) as back ups!. I would encourage you to do that if you get a kick out of history!.

If you wish to do a Master's Degree or the Ph!.D, the requirements depend ENTIRELY on the program!. So you'd need to look at that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You don't "do" a history degree; you earn it!. It depends where you earn it (school) in terms of how long it will take!. I am sure the requirements would be spanning a specific time period or region of the world of interest to you!. (For example, Asian history 1400-1800!.) There will be a lot of work in terms of dates, places, people, etc!. You've got to love that stuff! Speaking w/ a career counselor would be a good place to start!. No matter what you do, it's great that you're interested in learning!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fair, History is a good subject!. I'm going to do it this coming year 08/09 sept too!. Basiclly you need a B to get in on a good course at a reasonable university!. If you have a B you have the potential to do well at university!. 3 yrs standard BA!. Good luck with the decision, and the dratted Personal statement!.!. I feel your pain!Www@QuestionHome@Com

nah,they can bve as hard or as easy as you make them!.
lots of reading,papers,lectures,but hteres always the student bar yipeeeeeeeeeeeeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Firstly, I think you need to brush up on your spelling!. It's degrees not degree's!.Www@QuestionHome@Com