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Position:Home>History> Do you know where is "Gobekli Tepe" in Turkey? and why is very importa

Question: Do you know where is "Gobekli Tepe" in Turkey!? and why is very important for humanity and archeology!.
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This aceramic Neolithic site is in the Germi? Da?lar? on the north edge of the Harran Plain, 15 km north-east of Urfa!. It is also known as Tepe Ziyaret!. The 15 m high tell has been excavated since 1995 by the German Archaeological Institute in Istanbul, under the direction of Harald Hauptmann and field direction of Klaus Schmidt, in association with ?anl?urfa Archaeological Museum!. Roofing is now in place to protect the monuments at this important ritual site!.Www@QuestionHome@Com