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Position:Home>History> Minstrels Travelling Musicians?

Question: Minstrels Travelling Musicians!?
Here are my questions:
What did minsterls eat!?
What education did they get!?
What they did for fun and recreation!?
Where did they live!?What were there homes like!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There's a lot of information on this site:


Some minstrels were wandering players, some were attached to a noble household!. Minstrels probably didn't come from wealthy families, so they wouldn't have had any education; but they would have had to commit songs and stories to memory so that they could be passed on in the age of much illiteracy!. If they were staying in a castle, for instance, they probably spent their free time playing games with other servants, kicking a ball about, wrestling, drinking, etc!. If they lived in a castle on a "salary", then they would very likely bed down in the Great Hall like the other servants!. If they were wanderers, they would probably beg a place in the Hall or stables, etc, of the house they were playing at!. If not, then they probably found somewhere fairly safe to camp for the night!. If they were wanderers, they wouldn't have a home!

I hope the sites below help:
