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Position:Home>History> 1920's- Americans?

Question: 1920's- Americans!?
how did American's take advantage of the 1920's!.

I said they took advantage of the new wealth and happiness that at the end they lost almost everything!.

but I need more!. Please help me ! Thank you so much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The 1920s was an era when people took the easy route on everything, especially spending money!.

People bought and bought on credit, and worried about paying for it later!. It was one of the things that brought the Depression on -- because people bought so much, factories kept making more and more, expecting that the boom would last forever!.

When the economy slowed down, and people stopped buying things, the factories kept on making things!. And the economy kept sinking down!.

The same with the stock market!. People invested huge amounts of money they borrowed and/or did not have -- when the market collapsed, they found themselves with millions of dollars of worthless paper!.

But it was great before the bubble burst!.Www@QuestionHome@Com