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Position:Home>History> Germany , the united states and japan became involved in WWII?

Question: Germany , the united states and japan became involved in WWII!?
describe/ in what ways germany , the united states and japan became involved in WWII!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.

I really need help because i have a test on this and like i forgot to bring by book home!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's a given that Japan attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941!. This, interestingly enough, is also the day that the first annhilation camp in Germany opened!. So anyway, the attack was a preemptive strike on the pacific fleet to remove them as a threat in the coming Japanese involvement in the continental war, especially in their invasion of the East Indies for resources such as oil and rubber!. In response the US declared war on Japan which was folloed by Germany declaring war on the US since Japan and Germany were allies!. Arguably, Japanese involvement against the US helped to cause Germany to lose, as Japan was capable of opening up an Eastern front in Russia to take pressure off the German troops in the West!. Germany had declared war on Russia earlier that yearWww@QuestionHome@Com

1939: germany invaded poland!. france and england declared war against germany for invading poland!. germany signed a peace treaty with soviet union!. united states stayed neutral but was helping england with weapons and ships!. 1941 german sub sinks a u!.s!. destroyer killing about 300 men, right after that japan attacks pearl harbor (12-07-1941) and declares war on u!.s!. and england!. next day (12-08-1941) u!.s!. declares war on japan and at the same time germany declares war on u!.s!. and all hell broke loose!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Um, what grade are you in!? WWII has been a pretty heavily-covered topic!. Try Wikipedia, or HistoryChannel!.com, or any number of websites!.

In a sentence: Germany started WWII by invading Poland, then the US entered to help our ally England, and Japan bombed the US because they were Germany's ally!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

germany and Japan were allies, and germany was mad that Japan attacked the USA!. The US declared war on Japan after Pearl Harbor, and Germany per their treaty with Japan had to declare war on the US, so the US declared war on themWww@QuestionHome@Com

US got involved because the bombing of pearl harbor and germany and japan were on sides only reason japan was in it is because there were allies with germany and japan was the one who bombed peral harbor!. Good Luck On That Test!Www@QuestionHome@Com

all i know is that germany caused the war, but check the source which has all info on WWII
(P!.S!.) never forget bookWww@QuestionHome@Com

Germans and Japanese killed Americans!.

Americans killed Germans and Japanese!.Www@QuestionHome@Com