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Position:Home>History> How did the holocaust end? did America help?

Question: How did the holocaust end!? did America help!?
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To start with!.
It was the AMERICAN president Theodore Roosevelt, who suggested that something should be done about Hitler, way before Hitler even started his reign of terror!. HAD THEY LISTENED TO ROOSEVELT IN THE BEGINNING THE HOLOCAUST WOULD HAVE NEVER HAPPENDED!. But, during that time, no one (our allies) wanted to do anything because they were taking every step to avoid another world war!. Hitler knew this and took advantage of that by constantly pushing his boundaries, by breaking all the treaties!.
And Yes, America did eventually help by doing all the things that the people above me mentioned!. But we entered the war after the Pearl Harbor attack!.
I dont know who gave me the thumbs down, but its true!. If they had listened to Roosevelt, Hitler wouldnt be such a notorious figure, he would have been stopped early in his tracks!. Plus, you have to remember nobody knew about any concentration camps prior to going there!. THe war was fought because Hitler was constantly making these peace treaties and breaking them by attacking all these lands to increase German territory!. Hitler was a snake you couldnt trust him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The decision about whether or not to bomb the railway tracks leading to the camps, was a difficult one, and was thought out, and it was decided that ending the war as quick as possible was the best way!.

Bombing the tracks would not have slowed down things that much, but it would have distracted from some very important advances being made to win the war, and therefore end the holocaust as well!.

It's one of those tough decisions one has to make during war: do we let 10,000 die now, and save 100,000!?
Or do we save the 10,000, at the risk of losing the 100,00 later!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The holocaust ended with the end of WWII in Europe!. That didn't end the murder of many of those targeted people though!.

Did America help!? Yes, it supplied the bulk of the equipment, funding and manpower for the Western Front and kept the Russians from starving, supplied them with equipment and lots of money to keep them going!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Holocaust ended in Winter/Spring of 1945 when Allied forces (including the US) fought through Europe toward Berlin, and killed/captured Nazi soldiers!. Knowing defeat was inevitable, the Nazi's killed as many Jews/Gypsies/Gays (prisoners) as they could then fled the camps!.

However- We did not fight the war to free the Jews!. I have read many autobiographies of WW2 US Soldiers that said they stumbled accross the concentration camps and were not even sure what they were for at first!. This is portrayed in the Band of Brothers "Why We Fight" episode!. After learning what was happening, it further justified the US's involvement in the war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

~First, define holocaust!.

The National Socialist atrocities were not limited to Jews and, in fact, the Jews constitute but a minority of those slaughtered by Nazi "racial purification" and "social cleansing" programs!. Although the 'Final Solution' (which was strictly a campaign against Jews) was announced at the Wannsee Conference in January 1942, Himmler and Heydrich had implemented the program through the Einsatzgruppen long before, with the mass exterminations having started shortly after Barbarossa was launched!. The Einsatzgruppen killed far more than Jews!. The idea most likely originated with Himmler, Heydrich and Goehring, not Hitler, although clearly Hitler dad to approve it!.

The concentration camps (and there is a HUGE difference between a Concentration camp and an Extermination Camp) were modeled on US examples (the Bureau of Indian Affairs reservation system) and British (particularly in South Africa and the Boer Camps)!. The were NOT killing centers!. The death camps were the product of the euthanasia program, Operation 14f13!. That was a short lived program devised and organized by Himmler!. It went into operation at Chelmno in December, 1941!. Other death camps were added!. By Jewish count, they are generally numbered at six!. Jansenovac is frequently omitted from the Jewish tally because Jasenovac was constructed to murder Serbs, not Jews!. In all, about 2!.5 million people were killed in the euthanasia program, with 70% or so of them being Jewish - except at Jasenvoc where Jews comprised about 15% of the total!. Himmler realized the stupidity of the program!. It was a waste of valuable and necessary slave labor!. By spring 1943, he ordered the termination of the program!.

Around 11 Million died in the Concentration Camps!. About 3!.5 million of them were Jews!. Many of the Jews would have been sent to the concentration camps for other reasons even had they not been Jewish!. Although executions occurred on a regular basis at the concentration camps, those camps were not designed to kill people!. They were designed to remove 'undesirables' from the Third Reich!. Due to deplorable conditions, starvation, disease and abuse, a sentence to a concentration camp was more often than not a death sentence, but unlike at the killing centers, inmates were not murdered on arrival!.

The Nazi genocide campaigns against the Serbs and the Romani were far more 'successful' (as a percentage of population) than was the campaign against the Jews!. The intentional mass murders for strictly genocidal reasons, however, lasted for only about 18 months and they were halted by the Nazis themselves!. Liberation of the concentration camps was a byproduct of the war, not a cause of it or a goal of the allied armies!. Since the Red Army fought the lion's share of the war in Europe, the Soviets liberated most of the camps!. Upwards of 10 million Slavs were targeted for extinction!. When the Red Army turned back Barbarossa and effectively determined the outcome of the war at Stalingrad, Smolensk II and Kursk, the Slavs were spared!.

The "holocaust" was hardly novel or unique and the genocide of an entire race or ethnic group!.was clearly not an original idea with the Nazis!. The Spanish Inquisition and the Jewish Pale are but two examples of historical pogroms against the Jews!. The enslavement of Africa by Europeans and North Americans are a lessor or more (depending on one's perspective of enslavement versus murder) graphic example!. The exploits of the US Bureau of Indian Affairs or the activities of the Spanish Conquistadors are Western Hemisphere examples!. The Khmer Rouge killing fields are an Asian sample!. Ngo Dihn Diem's treatment of tribal Vietnamese and Buddhists is another!. Need I mention the Armenians, the Kurds, the Serbs, the Shiites or the Sudan and Darfur!?

The US didn't care about the Nazi treatment of the Jews!. See the Evain Conference, US immigration policies, the voyage of the SS St Louis and Jan Karski for evidence!. The US was hardly alone in this regard!. See Jewish history generally for evidence!. The OSS (forerunner to the CIA), via Operation Paperclip after the war, recruited Klaus Barbi and others to work for the US and Werner Van Braun, in spite of being responsible for tens of thousands of slave labor deaths, was vital to the US missile and space programs!. Useful Nazis were quickly forgiven after the war!. (By the way, Teddy Roosevelt died in January, 1919, long before Hitler even thought about beginning his rise to power!. Karski took his pictures and 1st hand accounts to London and Washington in the fall of '42 - nobody cared!. Even so, it's not my thumbs down, The Truth!. I don't bother with that no matter how bogus or wrong the answer might be!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

America helped win the war!. But if they would have stepped in sooner it would have ended sooner!. America refused help for a long time!. Not our finest hour, but in the end we did!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it ended right after the allies turned the tied in WWII and when they liberated everyone that was left in the concentration camps!.!.!.!.yes america did helpWww@QuestionHome@Com

The conquest of Nazi Germany by the Allies brought the concentration camps to an end!. And yes America helped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When German Jews eventually realised what was actually happening in the 'work' camps, they frantically tried to flee Europe!. America REFUSED to offer any of those Jews sanctuary!.

This is a matter of historical fact!.

America and the allies could have bombed the railway tracks leading to the camps!. They chose not to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com