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Position:Home>History> Does anyone know any causes of slavery?

Question: Does anyone know any causes of slavery!?
plzz can someone give me some causes because i need them right now!. thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Slavery has been going on for thousands of years, Americans are just self centered enough to believe it started here (and I am an American)!.

It started back when man first started to settle and cease to be nomadic!. There were things to be done, plow fields, work around the village, etc!. However at the same time there were also many competing villages!. The more warriors, hunters, farmers, etc that a village had the greater its chance to thrive!. So, in comes slavery!. Instead of just raiding a competing village for goods (meat, animals, weapons, clothes, whatever) they started taking the people as well and binding them into servitude!. Hence, slavery began!.!.!. and it still continues today for many of the same reasons (though they are now for thriving buisnesses instead of thriving villages!.!.!. but you get the idea)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the greed of the nations building empires - slavery brought much labour that people in the nations did not want to do or were not available to do!. The mansions of the southern united states were built by slaves - the plantations and buildings throughout it up to the end of the civil war in 1865

arrogance and ideoloy that was racist and ethnocentric stating such things as ' Gods Chosen People ' gods will

exploitation and evil of the business world wanting to build faster than the competition at the expense of human freedomWww@QuestionHome@Com

Slavery has been around since the dawn of time!.!.!. Much of it was a superiority thing, "my culture is better than yours, so you get to serve me" a lot of it came through war, the losers were forced to serve the winners!.!.!. It also stems from the need for cheep labor, it was easier to buy a cheep slave than pay a serf!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Slavery has been around since the beginning of time and in some parts of the world is still going on!.

Throughout history a lot of countries and areas could not have survived without it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Christopher Columbus (correct spelling!?) kick started it!. He was the first person to take black Africans to the Caribbean, whilst searching for a way west to Asia, and sell them as slaves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com