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Position:Home>History> Who was the French Revolution between?

Question: Who was the French Revolution between!?
Was it between two different countries!?
or was it between France itself!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the French revolution was between the lower classes of France and the royalty!. The rebels executed all the nobles and royalty, but turned out to be more tyrannical than the king!. Two famous musicals, Les Miserables, and he Scarlet Pimpernel, are based on the French Revolution!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The French Revolution was an exquisite poetic dalliance (that turned out very nasty) between huntin, fishin, cake eatin Louis Capet XVI against trumpeters of some old French geezer called 'Rousseau' or some such garret writing fellow who was clearly out of touch with the common folk!. He (Rousseau) wrote a treatise about 'nature and nurture'!. Another foppish French geezer called Maximilien Robbespierre later took up said Rousseau's 'philosophy' and; as a result; caused lots of peoples heads to be chopped off (re Mr!. Guillotine) in the name of "Let Them Eat Nu Vou Quisine"!.


Pardon-em-moi (me) French!

Fish 'n Chips eny day!


It was really against France and itself although wars with other countries were taking place at the same time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Govt' of France VS The French PeopleWww@QuestionHome@Com