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Position:Home>History> In May 1916, the German government promised not to sink any merchant ships witho

Question: In May 1916, the German government promised not to sink any merchant ships without warning or without saving t
1: In May 1916, the German government promised not to sink any merchant ships without warning or without saving the imperiled lives!. This was called:
The Sussex Pledge
The Lusitania
The Zimmerman Telegram

2: Which Act called for the people of the United States to recruit and train an army!?
The Townshend Act
The Draft Act
The Alliance Act
Selective Service Act

3: Who was responsible for introducing the European practice of "daylight saving" to the United States!?
J!.A!. Garfield
William G!. McAdoo
Herbert Hoover
Bernard Baruch

4: The western front consisted of two lines of trenches along the Eastern border of which country!?

5: When they first arrived in Europe, American troops were sent to the front to replace Allied casualties!. Who commanded the army in France and created a separate army force for the U!.S!. soldiers!?
Dwight D!. Eisenhower
John J!. Pershing
D!. W!. Griffith
George CreelWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Germans always break promises!. Can't be trusted!. "I knew a dame, Elsa, back when we was younger, met her in Berlin!.!.!.gawd, she was somethin!. Then the Reichstag fire, then she left me!. Never knew if she had somethin to do with it!. But she left a pile of gasoline soaked rags and a load of kindling behind a closet door in our garret, that's all I know!.!.!.!." So be careful!. Dem krauts can't be trusted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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